December 21, 2023: "Jesus once said of himself: “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head.” So we pray that our brothers and sisters will find rest and comfort in God’s loving arms, and that the home they could not find on earth, they will now have forever in heaven."
December 17, 2023: "We rejoice on this third Sunday in Advent because we realize that something wonderful is about to happen — in just a week from now! God is coming to dwell among us! The Word is coming to be made flesh! We are rejoicing because Jesus Christ desires to be born in our world and in our hearts."
November 26, 2023: "The message we proclaim is that God is the Creator of the universe, the Lord of history, and the Author of every life. And God wants to make this whole world into his kingdom, to make all of us one family, to unite all things and every person in him, as brothers and sisters, children of God."
November 5, 2023: "What Jesus is saying is that we shouldn’t be looking for praise and honor from others. To be a leader, to be his disciple, we must be humble. And humility begins in recognizing that we are all children of God. We may be called to different responsibilities in the Church or in our daily life. But we are equal in dignity."
November 4, 2023: "Jesus sends out his bishops, just as he did his apostles, to be missionaries of his saving love. He sends out his bishops to invite all men and women to the “wedding banquet” that he speaks of in today’s Gospel."
November 2, 2023: "Today, we remember our dead, our loved ones and friends who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. We celebrate today with confidence because, as we heard in the first reading: “The souls of the just are in the hand of God.” And we know that this is true. We also hear in that beautiful passage from the Book of Wisdom, this promise: 'Yet is their hope full of immortality.'"
October 29, 2023: "It is fitting that we are worshiping today in this beautiful church dedicated to St. John Chrysostom, who was a great bishop and a doctor of the Church. Every bishop is chosen by Jesus and anointed to proclaim his love and to lead all souls into his loving arms and tender embrace."
October 28, 2023: "In God’s plan of salvation, every bishop is appointed to carry on the mission that Jesus entrusted to his twelve apostles — to stand in his place and share in his power, as teachers and leaders, calling all men and women to salvation through our Lord’s tender mercy and love."
October 23, 2023: "this is my wish for you, my prayer for you today: Love the Eucharist, love the Mass! Never be casual about it. Jesus gives his life to you, so that you will have a new life, a beautiful life, a life of freedom and love. A life like he lived."
October 14, 2023: "Mercy is the heart of God, and the name of God. His mercy is written on every page of the sacred Scriptures. And in Jesus, God’s mercy becomes a man, a child born in a mother’s womb who comes to share our human lives, our joys and sorrows."
September 26, 2023: "Love is the true meaning of our religion. Spreading that love to the ends of the earth is the Church’s mission. Today, my dear bishops-elect, the Lord consecrates you to lead in that mission."
September 24, 2023: "Jesus is telling us today that he has created this world to be like a vineyard. And each of us is called to work in this vineyard, to carry out the mission of bringing his love into every area of life, to work for the great harvest of souls who will know Jesus and his love and will inherit the kingdom of heaven."
September 17, 2023: "Jesus said that he was sent into this world by the Father, and that the Father sent him to unite all things in heaven on earth in him. He said the Father sent him “that all may be one” under the one God who made all of us."
September 3, 2023: "We carry our crosses, but we don’t carry our crosses alone. We are walking with Jesus. We are carrying our crosses with him, and we are all following Jesus together. All of us. We are walking with one another in the Church, with our brothers and sisters."
August 29, 2023: "St. John’s witness challenges to us to remember that we are called to teach and preach the truth — even when telling the truth is inconvenient or uncomfortable for others to hear. And this takes courage, it is not easy. Of course, we always need to speak and act with prudence and charity, but never at the expense of the truth."
August 28, 2023: "The priest, as you know, is a shepherd, a position that implies humility; the priest has the simple and humble purpose of guiding and protecting the flock entrusted to him by Jesus."
August 26, 2023: "Holy Mary is the Queen of Heaven, the Lady of All Creation! Clothed with the sun, the moon at her feet, all the angels and saints, the prophets, apostles, and martyrs — all pay her homage....She is the Mother of God, and we are her children, each one of us. She is one mother, and we are many peoples! And today we come to her, from every nation, in faith and filial love."
August 19, 2023: "The beautiful lesson for all of us is that we can never stop praying, never stop talking to Jesus about what we need, about our fears and anxieties. Jesus is teaching us today that we should never lose heart, even when it seems like our prayers are not being answered."
August 8, 2023: "So I was reflecting on how what God is saying about Moses, that beautiful relationship that he is talking about — I think it is the same relationship that we all can have with God. And this is the promise of Jesus Christ. In our prayer, in partaking of the Eucharist, we behold the presence of the Lord and we have friendship with him."
August 6, 2023: "Your founders named this church for the great feast that we celebrate today, the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ. And this feast shows us the “destination” of our faith journey, the “goal” of our Christian life."