April 19, 2020: "All of our Scriptures today, these are beautiful readings of hope and joy. Obviously the readings sound very different as we just heard them proclaimed — they sound different to us in an empty church, carried to us over the radio, television, and internet."
April 12, 2020: "Jesus asked us to carry our cross with him during this long Lent. This has been a time when we confront the reality that our life is fragile. This has been a time for us to reflect on what really matters, and what makes life truly worth living."
April 12, 2020: "Today, as you know, we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a different celebration this year because almost everyone all over the world has been forced to celebrate this Easter Sunday in their homes, because we know our world has been shut down by the coronavirus pandemic."
April 11, 2020: "Tonight, in the passage of the Gospel that we just heard, we hear that on that Sunday morning as the light was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to the tomb. There was an earthquake and an angel came down from heaven and rolled away the stone."
April 10, 2020: "We stand today at the foot of the cross with Mary, our Blessed Mother, and we look upon her Son, crucified. And we ask God: Why did he have to die? Couldn’t there be some other way?"
April 10, 2020: "This Holy Week is hard for all of us. We are in solidarity in the spirit, but during these days, we feel the physical distance, we miss the human contact, the warmth of being together. It is hard for me to be separated from all of you, and I know that it is hard for you to be separated from your parishes and in many cases from your loved ones."
April 6, 2020: "We hear in tonight’s second reading that Jesus Christ “loves us and has freed us from our sins by his Blood” and he has “made us into a Kingdom, priests for his God and Father.” This is who we are. We are God’s Kingdom, his family. And God’s love for us is so personal, so tender. He loves you and he loves me. And his love for each of us is everlasting."
April 10, 2020: "We know that Jesus on the cross is the only answer. In the heart of Christ — wounded by the soldier’s spear, pierced by our sins — we see how much God loves the world. We see how precious we are in our Father’s eyes."
April 5, 2020: "Jesus entered into our human condition. He took on our flesh and blood, he shared our human nature. And in his humanity, he confronted the reality of death."
April 3, 2020: "Future generations will look back on this as the long Lent of 2020, a time when disease and death suddenly darkened the whole earth. As we enter into Holy Week, these most sacred days of the year, Catholics across the United States and the world are living under quarantine, our societies shut down by the coronavirus pandemic."