Mayo 30, 2021: "Me alegra estar con ustedes para celebrar la fiesta de la Santísima Trinidad, que es el misterio central de nuestra fe y de la vida cristiana. Creemos en un solo Dios en la Trinidad, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo."
May 23, 2021: "Pentecost reveals that the Church has a 'universal' character and mission. That's what 'Catholic' means. It means universal, global, worldwide."
May 16, 2021: "We celebrate today the whole of our Lord's earthly life and ministry — from his Incarnation through his Resurrection, and now his Ascension into heaven. This is what he came for. He came to show us the way to heaven. He has won the great victory for us — and for the whole human race."
May 9, 2021: "It is beautiful that we remember our mothers and grandmothers — those strong women who gave us life and brought us up in this world. And to remember in a personal and deep way our mothers who are our first teachers in the ways of love, which is the whole meaning of lie, as we heard today in our second reading: 'Love is of God, everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God.'"