June 27, 2021: "Our first reading today from the Book of Wisdom tells us a beautiful truth: “God did not make death … For God formed man to be imperishable, the image of his own nature he made him.” The truth is, my dear brothers and sisters, that God made us for life. All the sickness and disease in the world, the scourge of death — this was not how God intended his creation."
June 26, 2021: "Now we are coming out of this pandemic, thanks be to God! And more and more in my prayer, I have become convinced that St. Josemariá is the saint for our times. His charity and spirituality are what we need to heal and rebuild our world after this plague, to love and to sanctify our neighbors and to lift them up to God."
June 24, 2021: "John proclaimed Christ living in the womb. We remember the story of the Visitation — how John leaped in his mother’s womb when he was in the presence of Jesus who was also in Our Blessed Mother’s womb."
June 20, 2021: "In a father's love, his children see a reflection of the love that God our Father has for all of his children. And this is so important in our world today, to promote that bond between fathers and their children to strengthen marriage and the family."
June 16, 2021: "We’ve seen a pandemic shut down our civilization, including the Church, for more than a year. We’ve lived through riots in our major cities, rising social divisions and unrest, and maybe the most polarized election our country has ever seen."
June 12, 2021: "Today, by the imposition of the bishops' hands, our brothers will be consecrated to the ministry of the Word of God and the ministry of charity — in the service of the whole people of God."
June 6, 2021: "This is the great mystery of our faith, the great gift of God that he gives us in the Body and Blood of Christ, made present in the bread and wine we offer on the altar in the Holy Mass. When we reflect on it, we are amazed to realize that the living God, the maker of heaven and earth, comes to be in a relationship with us, with you and me."
June 5, 2021: "So Patrick, César, Andrew, Sergio, Francis, Ji Hoon, Michael, and Matthew: Today your names will be inscribed in that ancient and noble list written in heaven, the list of those men called throughout history to be the priests of God!"