February 27, 2022: "So today, as we get ready for Lent, Jesus finishes his teaching. Again, we hear him tell us to stop worrying about other people. He says: 'Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?'"
February 27, 2022: "Please know that your Roman Catholic brothers and sisters in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will always be near to you in solidarity and prayer. We are praying for a swift end to the evil of this war. We ask Jesus Christ, the Lord of Peace, to touch the hearts of the aggressors, and move them to conversion. We also call on those in authority to seek a just peace that recognizes the dignity and sovereignty of the Ukrainian people."
February 20, 2022: "as we turn to our Gospel today, that beautiful passage of the Gospel that we just heard this morning — from St. Luke’s Gospel. And it is, as we just heard, some of our Lord’s most challenging teachings."
February 19, 2022: "Mercy is the heart of God, and mercy is the name of God. The whole Bible is the story of divine mercy. His mercy is written on every page. His mercy fills the earth and it is all around us; his mercy extends to the heavens and watches over us."
February 13, 2022: "This is a beautiful moment as we celebrate this World Marriage Day for us to reflect on the importance of marriage in God’s beautiful plan for creation and for the human family."
February 12, 2022: "So today we celebrate this year’s World Day of the Sick, knowing that our whole world has been bearing the burden of sickness and death, overwhelmed by the coronavirus pandemic. So we pray today, in a special way, for those who have died and for all those who are suffering, in body and mind, in this pandemic. And we especially ask Our Blessed Mother, to intercede and deliver us from this affliction."