January 28, 2024: "I want to say personally to all the jubilarians: Thank you for your humble service of prayer, for your ministries of catechesis and education, and thank you for your love for the poor and sick. Our Lord speaks his words to each one of you: “Well done, good and faithful servants!” For all of us, you are a witness to the joy of the Gospel, the joy of discipleship, of following the Lord with all your heart and all your strength."
January 20, 2024: "Every human life is precious to God! And what God loves, we are called to love. And what God loves, we are called to defend. This is our beautiful vision for OneLife LA!"
January 14, 2024: "As we see in the Gospel today, in a beautiful way, in the same way that the disciples were looking for Jesus — we also are looking for Jesus, and Jesus is longing for our friendship, too. He is always seeking, always waiting for us to turn to him."
January 1, 2024: "When they found Jesus, “they made known the message” that the angels had told them. And after adoring Jesus, the shepherds returned to their ordinary lives “glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen.” So my dear brothers and sisters, like those shepherds, we need to stay close to Jesus, and close to his Mother and St. Joseph. We need to adore him and to learn from him."