March 30, 2024: "Tonight, you stand at the entrance of his empty tomb, with Mary Magdalene and the women from Galilee. You see the angels in dazzling garments. And you hear those astounding words: “He is not here, but he has been raised!” Christ is risen, Jesus is alive!"
March 29, 2024: "Out of love for us, Jesus came down from heaven to share in our humanity, in the reality of our everyday lives. Jesus knows what it’s like to work and to love, to have a family and friends. He knows what it’s like to be hungry and thirsty, to be tired and frustrated. He knows what it’s like to be misunderstood and rejected. And in his humanity, Jesus knows what it feels like to be afraid in the face of suffering and death."
March 25, 2024: "We all participate in the priesthood of our Lord Jesus Christ. The whole church is a priestly people. Through baptism, all the faithful share in the priesthood of Christ. This participation is called “the common priesthood” of the faithful. As the Lord’s “priests,” we share in his mission of sanctifying this world, of making this world God’s kingdom — a world of truth, beauty, and goodness; a world of holiness, justice, and mercy."
March 24, 2024: "Our Gospel today ends with our Lord suffering and dying on the cross, feeling abandoned and alone. Everything appears to be lost. But it’s not! And we know that. The victory is already won. God wins in the end!"
March 17, 2024: "We need to make Jesus the “way” for our life! We need to leave behind our old ways and our old life and follow him, we need to stay close to him, as we all are trying to do. Jesus saw his life, as “seed,” as a “grain of wheat.” And we should think about our own lives that way, too."
March 12, 2024: "Jesus left us the Eucharist so that we would never forget what he has done for us and how much he loves us. And he left us the Eucharist so that we would never forget the new commandment that he gave us: that we love one another, as he has loved us."
March 10, 2024: "This story of Israel is the story of our lives, too. God did not leave Israel in exile. And he does not leave us in captivity to our sins and transgressions. Even though often we forget him or turn our backs on him. Sin will never get the last word. Not in our lives. And not in history."
March 3, 2024: "When Jesus entered the Temple area in the Gospel, he found some things that should not have been there — money changers and dealers, people selling oxen, sheep, doves, and other things. So in the same way, when Jesus looks into the temple of our hearts, there might be things should not be there. I’m thinking of some distractions — worries and anxieties. Maybe some bad habits and wrong priorities."